This has nothing to do with Ricky Martin or football or a world cup of any sort. This is a different sort of cup that
S n I collect at every place we visit, together or not. Its a shot glass collection. I know many people do that. In fact at one of
S's relative's homes, we saw 3 large glass cabinets full of shot glasses from many many countries/places. Many others collect refrigerator magnets or some other souveniers of sorts. Still others don't get anything. It's each person's individual taste. But to me, collecting souveniers is like leaving footprints on a remote beach. Just like though the wind and waters will eventually wash it away, you'll know you've been there. Only this is the other way around a bit. The shot glasses we collect brings to mind my memories from the place like snapshots. It reminds me of what I was doing when hunting it down. Of course there are photographs as well but these are stronger somehow.
S has taken to my childish indulgence as well. And we enthusiastically scourge places for these readily available souveniers. It makes my trip complete. :). Here's ours so far :)
Wow.. A cute looking collection. Liked the title really. The cup saying bretagne looks like a mini tea cup. Keep it coming.
Krish -> Thanks. The Cup saying 'Bretagne' is actually a mini Cider cup. Like if you look at the pictures of the cider below in the other post, they are served in this tea cup sorta fashion too. But it only felt appropriate buying this kind of cup to commemorate our visit there. :)
Verny nice collection of cups and the pic is beautiful. long time no comment from me. how u and s anyway?
take care
Ramya -> Thanks. Keep visiting.
PrivateMartin -> Thank you. I wondered if you had stopped coming back :). S n I are doing great, thank you. Hope everything is fine with you as well. I've been so busy blogging that I haven't been blog-hopping at all. i will visit yr blog soon too. :) Keep coming back
Iowa kahan hai?
Liya nahi tha for some vague n weird reason. I loved Ames. Damn... wish someone could buy n send it to me. BTW, who is this Anon? Thakore?
apu thakore nahin be...thakore kaa baap...bada baap...log mujhe akil ke naam se pehchanthae hain...bacha bacha apun ka naam jaanta hai...
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